Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain.
The Bible teaches us that we need to be content with what we are given in life by God. 1 Timothy 6:6-8 reads. “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” The Bible is full of stories of God’s servants who pursued godliness rather than worldly riches. There was a man called Lot who had every opportunity to live by faith with his uncle Abraham. He could have gained godliness, and he could have gained God. But his heart was not right. He wanted more. He wanted the comforts and pleasures of life. For a while, he lived a cultural and worldly happy life having all the things that a man ever wants. But when the test of life crossed his path, he failed. All his riches and godless living could not save him. He could not save his beloved wife whom he had corrupted. He could not save his innocent daughters whom he had also corrupted. He gained nothing in the end except a cave in which his daughters committed a most heinous sin. On the other hand, Abraham his uncle was offered the world on a platter. The king of Sodom tempted him to keep all that he had captured while rescuing his nephew Lot. Then the servant of God, Melkizedeck came to Abraham and shared with him a simple meal, and had spiritual fellowship. He reminded Abraham of what God had called him to do. He reminded him that God had called him to live by faith and to pursue God. So Abraham gave up everything else and went back to his simple life of faith. The world may have considered that what he did was foolish. But when Abraham lost the world, he gained God. God was on his side, protecting him and guiding him until Abraham became a blessing on the whole world, even to us today. What we seek and what we pursue in life are very important. Everyone wants to gain something in this world. But those who gain godliness are the real winners. They gain God, taste God’s goodness, and they are content. How can we be content? We can be content when we deeply appreciate the gift of life Jesus has given us. We can have godliness when we pursue the higher and nobler things of this life, such as love, faith, hope, and the good life of Christian mission we have been entrusted with by God our Father.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Rejoice In Opportunities To Preach The Word God
John 4:36, “36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.”
Pastor’s blog: Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 10-11-12
Recently I met Matt Armstrong. He heads up Cross Roads Ministry, dedicated to bringing the gospel to public schools, especially through the after school programs. I was amazed because he is willing to pour out his energies on his cross roads mission. He is giving his all and pouring out his resources just to be able to share the gospel with some kids whom (most of them) may not even be listening. There is no guarantee that parents will even be coming to his church. His eyes light up with the prospect of being able to share the gospel, pure and simple. He was willing to spend time and money simply to make these opportunities happen. Would I be so happy to preach the gospel simply? Would I rejoice at the open doors but no visible fruit? Would I claim a victory in this? Would I be happy in just planting the seed so that maybe another church may reap the fruit of that seed? I confess I am not quite there yet, but I am getting there!
Jesus said in John 4:35-38, “Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” There are sowers and there are reapers in the work of God. The act of sowing and reaping makes one glad. The sowers and reapers may not be in the same generation or the same church. But they are glad to simply sow the seed of the word of God. If they are able to reap…that is lead someone to Saving faith in Jesus, then that is “gravy.” The problem is when we want to be both the sower and the reaper at the same time and we want these activities done in our own church. Then what happens is we loose the joy of sowing because of our expectations. God does not seem to be fulfilling our expectations. We need to be set free from our own selfish ambition and be glad simply for being given the opportunity to preach the word of God.
John 4:36, “36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.”
Pastor’s blog: Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 10-11-12
Recently I met Matt Armstrong. He heads up Cross Roads Ministry, dedicated to bringing the gospel to public schools, especially through the after school programs. I was amazed because he is willing to pour out his energies on his cross roads mission. He is giving his all and pouring out his resources just to be able to share the gospel with some kids whom (most of them) may not even be listening. There is no guarantee that parents will even be coming to his church. His eyes light up with the prospect of being able to share the gospel, pure and simple. He was willing to spend time and money simply to make these opportunities happen. Would I be so happy to preach the gospel simply? Would I rejoice at the open doors but no visible fruit? Would I claim a victory in this? Would I be happy in just planting the seed so that maybe another church may reap the fruit of that seed? I confess I am not quite there yet, but I am getting there!
Jesus said in John 4:35-38, “Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” There are sowers and there are reapers in the work of God. The act of sowing and reaping makes one glad. The sowers and reapers may not be in the same generation or the same church. But they are glad to simply sow the seed of the word of God. If they are able to reap…that is lead someone to Saving faith in Jesus, then that is “gravy.” The problem is when we want to be both the sower and the reaper at the same time and we want these activities done in our own church. Then what happens is we loose the joy of sowing because of our expectations. God does not seem to be fulfilling our expectations. We need to be set free from our own selfish ambition and be glad simply for being given the opportunity to preach the word of God.
I am a pastor of a very small house church ministry. How to reach out to the young people of Dekalb and NIU is the "million dollar" question. I haven't been able to do it in a big way. I have in small ways through 1:1 Bible study and mentoring (shepherding). We try to do it in several ways. 1. My kids lead the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes” group at the high school. There are five of them coming down the shoot there and so they can provide leadership for the next seven years. Praise the Lord! It is every Thursday before class for 20 minutes. Jenn is leading them through Nehemiah. They meet tomorrow. 2, We support and eat at Feed 'Em Soup. 3. We sing at Christian music festivals (St Matthews in Glendale Heights and Praizapalooza at Hopkins Park. 4. We have 1:1 Bible study with students. 5. I keep going to Haish gym and making friends there. There are 2 people who study the Bible there. 6. I pray and encourage my kids top to break through the "Friends" barrier to enter into discipleship relationships with classmates. 7. We participate in the DeKalb Christian church monthly "Open Mic NIght". All of these are my attempts to reach out to the community.
I thank God that I am able to preach the gospel through various means but I have to admit that I am helpless to help people grow was spiritual leaders and I am helpless to produce spiritual leaders who can co-work with me and my family on the mission field of NIU and DeKalb. This fact causes me to despair a lot at times. But I am learning many spiritual lessons at the same time. All of this comes from God in his time and his way. I am really learning that it can only be accomplished through prayer and also through co-working with other churches in the area. We must break through denominational lines and co-work as one body. If you have any co-working opportunities then let me know.
I thank God that I am able to preach the gospel through various means but I have to admit that I am helpless to help people grow was spiritual leaders and I am helpless to produce spiritual leaders who can co-work with me and my family on the mission field of NIU and DeKalb. This fact causes me to despair a lot at times. But I am learning many spiritual lessons at the same time. All of this comes from God in his time and his way. I am really learning that it can only be accomplished through prayer and also through co-working with other churches in the area. We must break through denominational lines and co-work as one body. If you have any co-working opportunities then let me know.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How Far Would You Go To Help Your Children Meet Jesus Personally And Grow To Be Servants Of God?
By Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion? We will see what the Bible teaches. Then we will see some examples from famous parents in Christian history, like William Penn, Susanna Wesly, and Ruth Graham. We will then think of some issues that hinder us from providing such an environment for raising our kids, an environment through which God can work.
Part l: We All Want Kids Like The Boy Jesus.
Luke 2:41-51, “Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom. 43 After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. 44 Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. 46 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” 49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. Jesus went to all the religious festivals held in Jerusalem. He fully participated in the Jewish religious life. He was a young man who liked to talk about spiritual things. He was so into talking about spiritual things that he forgot that his own family had left to go home from the festival. He was engaging the religious leaders in such deep and profound conversation that they were truly amazed. His parents were astonished. He grew up spiritual and obedient and he grew in favor with God and man. We all want Christian kids like this. Sometimes we expect God to just make our kids like this with little of no effort on our part. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion?
Part ll: What The Bible Teaches
Genesis 18:18-19, “18 Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. 19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[a] 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Ephesians 6:4, “ 4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
From these verses we learn several spiritual lessons. From God’s direction to Abraham we see that he was called to set the example for household, by doing what is right and just. This is hard. As parents we should never say, “Do as I say, but not as I do.” Rather we must say, “Do as I do.”
From the Lord’s instructions in Deuteronomy we learned that we need to impress the words of God on our children. We need to discuss the word of God with them at home, as we go for walks, in the morning and when we go to bed. I don’t think that the young people in 1400 B.C. were much different in regards to receiving instruction in the Lord as kids are today. They were not eagerly begging their parents to impress the word of God on them. Most likely they did not like it. But if we wait until our kids like it and ask for it, we may be waiting forever and miss the opportunity to impress the words of God on their hearts.
From Proverbs we learn that we need to train our children in the Lord. The word “train” is not a casual word. To train means to do something deliberate. Training is repetitive. Training is persistent. It may not be pleasurable at the time but it reaps many benefits and makes a person stronger and more able to overcome hardships. All of these principles apply to raising our kids.
Paul teaches the Ephesian Christian fathers to bring their children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. To do this fathers not only need to know the Bible but they also need to be able to teach the Bible and show its application. Bringing them up in it, implies a lifestyle.
Part lll: Some Examples Set By Parents In Christian History.
From a letter written by William Penn (Quaker Preacher, author, founder of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) to his wife. His wife and children had left for the America on Oct 1862. He wrote letters to them for their guidance. Here is an exerpt that shows the importance of family devotionals.
“…be diligent in meetings for worship and business. And let meetings be kept once a day in the family to wait upon the Lord, who has given us much time for ourselves. ….”
(“No Cross, No Crown.” by William Penn)
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 366)
“The training Susanna Wesley gave her children is indicated by this letter she wrote to her eldest son Samuel, who became a preacher:
‘Consider well what a separation from the world, what purity, what devotion, what expemplary virtue are required in those who are to guide others to glory…I would advice you to arrange your affairs by a certain method, by which means you will learn to improve every precious moment…begin and end each day with Him who is the Alpha and the Omega, and if you really experience what is the love of God, you will redeem all the time you can for His more immediate service. Endeavor to act upon principle and do not live like the rest of mankind, who passes through the world like straws upon a river, which are carried which way the stream or the wind drive them…Get as deep an impression on your mind as is possible of the constant presence of the great and holy God. He is about our beds and about our paths and spies out all our ways. Whenever you are tempted to the commission of sin, or the omission of any duty, pause and say to yourself, ‘What am I about to do? God sees me.’”
“In her ‘household school,’ for six hours a day through twenty years, she taught her children so thoroughly that they became unusually cultured. There were not one of them in whom she did not instill a passion for learning and righteousness.’…’When her son John became a noted man, he begged her to write down some details of the education of her children, to which she reluctantly consented. She confessed, ‘No one can, without renouncing the world in the most literal sense, observe my method. There are few, if any, who would devote about twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of their children.’
“She began to train her children by a rather strict method of living as soon as they were born. From their birth she also began to train their wills, making them realize they must obey their parents. They were even taught to cry softly, to eat or drink whatever was given them. Drinking or eating between meals was never allowed, unless they were sick. At age six, as soon as the family prayers were over, they had their supper. At eight they were put to bed and told to go to sleep. ‘No such thing was allowed in our house,’ this mother reports, ‘as sitting by a child till it fell asleep.’ The loud noise children generally make was seldom heard in the Wesley house. Laughter and play, on the other hand were common sounds.
The spiritual welfare of her children mattered most to Susanna. She gave them an appreciation of the things of the spirit, and this teaching she carried on into their more mature years. Even when she was an old woman, her son John still came to his devout mother for counsel. Not to Methodists alone but to the whole world Susanna Wesly gave a new freedom of faith, a new spark of vital religion and a new intimacy with God.
It is no wonder that this mother who so often prayed, ‘Grant me grace, O Lord, to be wholly a Christian,’ should produce a great Christian like John Wesley. ‘Help me, Lord,’ she prayed, ‘to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church or closet, nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that I am everywhere in Thy Presence.’”
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 142-144)
Ruth Bell Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, She was born to missionary parents in Tsingkiang, China, in 1920, where she was raised in staunch Presbyterian piety, with daily doses of private and family devotions and being expected to memorize large portions of the Bible.
The following is and exerpt from Franklin Graham’s autobiography, “Rebel With A Cause.” In it he explains Ruth Graham’s daily spiritual life as she raised her kids.
“Though my folks insisted we go to church every Sunday, as far back as I can remember, my parents never crammed religion down my throat. They did try to instill in all of us kids the importance of a personal relationship with God. Every evening our family had devotions before we went to bed. Mama or Daddy would read a short passage from the Bible and then we would each say a sentence prayer. In the morning, Mama or Daddy would lead us in prayer before we left the house for school. It didn’t matter who was in the house at the time – our housekeeper, caretaker, or guests – it was something everyone did in our home. I can’t remember a day when this didn’t happen.
My parents also encouraged us to memorize Scripture verses. One of the ways they did this was on Sunday after church and lunch, before we could go out to play, we had to memmorize a verse and recite it to Mama, almost word perfect. She did make a few exceptions. When we complained that the verses were too difficult, she let us pick our own. She didn’t care as long as it was the Word of God. This got us reading the Bible to find short verses such as ‘Jesus wept.’ It didn’t bother Mama. Mama and Daddy believed that the time would come when their children would need the strength of God that comes through his word. They knew that one day we would be out on our own; yet God would always be with us. And they were right.
I didn’t mind the devotions, especially at night, because Mama often told stories from the Bible and mixed them with her own experiences from growing up in China.”
“Rebel With A Cause” Frankin Graham. 1995 pages 8-9.
Part lV: Things That Hinder Our Kids From Growing As Servants Of Jesus
There are so many things that stop us from making such and environment.
First, we don’t think that being so extreme is necessary. I don’t think that being passive and casual about training our kids in spiritual matters is a good idea. Let’s face the fact that we are in a spiritual battle for our kid’s souls. The devil and the influences of our godless culture are working overtime to capture our children’s’ hearts. We need to work twice as hard to win their souls over to Jesus.
Second, We don’t want to set the example ourselves. It is hard work to teach the truth. We need to set the example. If we want our kids to pray we need to pray. If we want them to go to church, we need to. We just can’t drop our kids off to youth group for free babysitting and ignore church ourselves.
Third, we are waiting until they are willing and happy about it. Let’s face it. Most kids are willing and eager to watch TV., text, go on Facebook and watch movies and play video games. This is true even for Christian kids. They may never be willing. But we need to still introduce a Biblical lifestyle into their lives.
Fourth, we are afraid of turning them off from Christianity. Like I said, the Devil is working night and day to turn our kids off from Jesus. 50% of Christian kids who go into college emerge unbelievers. If we leave them alone they will be turned off. This world is full of sad stories of kids who have gone astray. Most have gone astray not from strict Christian parents, but from parents afraid to impose spiritual discipline in the home.
Fifth, we are afraid of loosing our kids’ love for us. Sometimes we are held hostage with the threat that our kids won’t love us anymore if we impose our faith on them too much. There is a saying, “be careful how you treat your kids, they will choose your nursing home.” They could either love you or hate you or avoid you. What if we were too soft and our kids grow up to be sincere Christians and they grew up thinking that we raised the family in a compromised, “wishy washy” way? Ultimately we need to do what we need to do before God and trust God. If we are truthful and sincere our kids will respect us for that in the long run. Our lives will show them the way.
Sixth, our expectations are too low. We are tempted to think that if our kids get a good education, a nice job, start a family, attend church sporadically and pay lip service to Jesus, then that is the ultimate success story. We may not even have a hope and a prayer for them to be servants of Christ. Our low standards may be hindering our kid’s spiritual growth.
Even if we try our best to impress the faith on the hearts of our children, this does not mean that it will happen. Even the great prophet Samuel had sons who went astray. But we can make a a difference. All the people mentioned influenced their kids and some of their kids grew to be strong Christians who changed the course of world history. By God’s grace it could happen in each of our homes too. But we need to take creating a spiritual atmosphere in our homes very seriously and concern deeply on raising up our kids as disciples of Jesus.
By Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion? We will see what the Bible teaches. Then we will see some examples from famous parents in Christian history, like William Penn, Susanna Wesly, and Ruth Graham. We will then think of some issues that hinder us from providing such an environment for raising our kids, an environment through which God can work.
Part l: We All Want Kids Like The Boy Jesus.
Luke 2:41-51, “Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom. 43 After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. 44 Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. 46 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” 49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. Jesus went to all the religious festivals held in Jerusalem. He fully participated in the Jewish religious life. He was a young man who liked to talk about spiritual things. He was so into talking about spiritual things that he forgot that his own family had left to go home from the festival. He was engaging the religious leaders in such deep and profound conversation that they were truly amazed. His parents were astonished. He grew up spiritual and obedient and he grew in favor with God and man. We all want Christian kids like this. Sometimes we expect God to just make our kids like this with little of no effort on our part. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion?
Part ll: What The Bible Teaches
Genesis 18:18-19, “18 Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. 19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[a] 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Ephesians 6:4, “ 4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
From these verses we learn several spiritual lessons. From God’s direction to Abraham we see that he was called to set the example for household, by doing what is right and just. This is hard. As parents we should never say, “Do as I say, but not as I do.” Rather we must say, “Do as I do.”
From the Lord’s instructions in Deuteronomy we learned that we need to impress the words of God on our children. We need to discuss the word of God with them at home, as we go for walks, in the morning and when we go to bed. I don’t think that the young people in 1400 B.C. were much different in regards to receiving instruction in the Lord as kids are today. They were not eagerly begging their parents to impress the word of God on them. Most likely they did not like it. But if we wait until our kids like it and ask for it, we may be waiting forever and miss the opportunity to impress the words of God on their hearts.
From Proverbs we learn that we need to train our children in the Lord. The word “train” is not a casual word. To train means to do something deliberate. Training is repetitive. Training is persistent. It may not be pleasurable at the time but it reaps many benefits and makes a person stronger and more able to overcome hardships. All of these principles apply to raising our kids.
Paul teaches the Ephesian Christian fathers to bring their children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. To do this fathers not only need to know the Bible but they also need to be able to teach the Bible and show its application. Bringing them up in it, implies a lifestyle.
Part lll: Some Examples Set By Parents In Christian History.
From a letter written by William Penn (Quaker Preacher, author, founder of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) to his wife. His wife and children had left for the America on Oct 1862. He wrote letters to them for their guidance. Here is an exerpt that shows the importance of family devotionals.
“…be diligent in meetings for worship and business. And let meetings be kept once a day in the family to wait upon the Lord, who has given us much time for ourselves. ….”
(“No Cross, No Crown.” by William Penn)
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 366)
“The training Susanna Wesley gave her children is indicated by this letter she wrote to her eldest son Samuel, who became a preacher:
‘Consider well what a separation from the world, what purity, what devotion, what expemplary virtue are required in those who are to guide others to glory…I would advice you to arrange your affairs by a certain method, by which means you will learn to improve every precious moment…begin and end each day with Him who is the Alpha and the Omega, and if you really experience what is the love of God, you will redeem all the time you can for His more immediate service. Endeavor to act upon principle and do not live like the rest of mankind, who passes through the world like straws upon a river, which are carried which way the stream or the wind drive them…Get as deep an impression on your mind as is possible of the constant presence of the great and holy God. He is about our beds and about our paths and spies out all our ways. Whenever you are tempted to the commission of sin, or the omission of any duty, pause and say to yourself, ‘What am I about to do? God sees me.’”
“In her ‘household school,’ for six hours a day through twenty years, she taught her children so thoroughly that they became unusually cultured. There were not one of them in whom she did not instill a passion for learning and righteousness.’…’When her son John became a noted man, he begged her to write down some details of the education of her children, to which she reluctantly consented. She confessed, ‘No one can, without renouncing the world in the most literal sense, observe my method. There are few, if any, who would devote about twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of their children.’
“She began to train her children by a rather strict method of living as soon as they were born. From their birth she also began to train their wills, making them realize they must obey their parents. They were even taught to cry softly, to eat or drink whatever was given them. Drinking or eating between meals was never allowed, unless they were sick. At age six, as soon as the family prayers were over, they had their supper. At eight they were put to bed and told to go to sleep. ‘No such thing was allowed in our house,’ this mother reports, ‘as sitting by a child till it fell asleep.’ The loud noise children generally make was seldom heard in the Wesley house. Laughter and play, on the other hand were common sounds.
The spiritual welfare of her children mattered most to Susanna. She gave them an appreciation of the things of the spirit, and this teaching she carried on into their more mature years. Even when she was an old woman, her son John still came to his devout mother for counsel. Not to Methodists alone but to the whole world Susanna Wesly gave a new freedom of faith, a new spark of vital religion and a new intimacy with God.
It is no wonder that this mother who so often prayed, ‘Grant me grace, O Lord, to be wholly a Christian,’ should produce a great Christian like John Wesley. ‘Help me, Lord,’ she prayed, ‘to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church or closet, nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that I am everywhere in Thy Presence.’”
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 142-144)
Ruth Bell Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, She was born to missionary parents in Tsingkiang, China, in 1920, where she was raised in staunch Presbyterian piety, with daily doses of private and family devotions and being expected to memorize large portions of the Bible.
The following is and exerpt from Franklin Graham’s autobiography, “Rebel With A Cause.” In it he explains Ruth Graham’s daily spiritual life as she raised her kids.
“Though my folks insisted we go to church every Sunday, as far back as I can remember, my parents never crammed religion down my throat. They did try to instill in all of us kids the importance of a personal relationship with God. Every evening our family had devotions before we went to bed. Mama or Daddy would read a short passage from the Bible and then we would each say a sentence prayer. In the morning, Mama or Daddy would lead us in prayer before we left the house for school. It didn’t matter who was in the house at the time – our housekeeper, caretaker, or guests – it was something everyone did in our home. I can’t remember a day when this didn’t happen.
My parents also encouraged us to memorize Scripture verses. One of the ways they did this was on Sunday after church and lunch, before we could go out to play, we had to memmorize a verse and recite it to Mama, almost word perfect. She did make a few exceptions. When we complained that the verses were too difficult, she let us pick our own. She didn’t care as long as it was the Word of God. This got us reading the Bible to find short verses such as ‘Jesus wept.’ It didn’t bother Mama. Mama and Daddy believed that the time would come when their children would need the strength of God that comes through his word. They knew that one day we would be out on our own; yet God would always be with us. And they were right.
I didn’t mind the devotions, especially at night, because Mama often told stories from the Bible and mixed them with her own experiences from growing up in China.”
“Rebel With A Cause” Frankin Graham. 1995 pages 8-9.
Part lV: Things That Hinder Our Kids From Growing As Servants Of Jesus
There are so many things that stop us from making such and environment.
First, we don’t think that being so extreme is necessary. I don’t think that being passive and casual about training our kids in spiritual matters is a good idea. Let’s face the fact that we are in a spiritual battle for our kid’s souls. The devil and the influences of our godless culture are working overtime to capture our children’s’ hearts. We need to work twice as hard to win their souls over to Jesus.
Second, We don’t want to set the example ourselves. It is hard work to teach the truth. We need to set the example. If we want our kids to pray we need to pray. If we want them to go to church, we need to. We just can’t drop our kids off to youth group for free babysitting and ignore church ourselves.
Third, we are waiting until they are willing and happy about it. Let’s face it. Most kids are willing and eager to watch TV., text, go on Facebook and watch movies and play video games. This is true even for Christian kids. They may never be willing. But we need to still introduce a Biblical lifestyle into their lives.
Fourth, we are afraid of turning them off from Christianity. Like I said, the Devil is working night and day to turn our kids off from Jesus. 50% of Christian kids who go into college emerge unbelievers. If we leave them alone they will be turned off. This world is full of sad stories of kids who have gone astray. Most have gone astray not from strict Christian parents, but from parents afraid to impose spiritual discipline in the home.
Fifth, we are afraid of loosing our kids’ love for us. Sometimes we are held hostage with the threat that our kids won’t love us anymore if we impose our faith on them too much. There is a saying, “be careful how you treat your kids, they will choose your nursing home.” They could either love you or hate you or avoid you. What if we were too soft and our kids grow up to be sincere Christians and they grew up thinking that we raised the family in a compromised, “wishy washy” way? Ultimately we need to do what we need to do before God and trust God. If we are truthful and sincere our kids will respect us for that in the long run. Our lives will show them the way.
Sixth, our expectations are too low. We are tempted to think that if our kids get a good education, a nice job, start a family, attend church sporadically and pay lip service to Jesus, then that is the ultimate success story. We may not even have a hope and a prayer for them to be servants of Christ. Our low standards may be hindering our kid’s spiritual growth.
Even if we try our best to impress the faith on the hearts of our children, this does not mean that it will happen. Even the great prophet Samuel had sons who went astray. But we can make a a difference. All the people mentioned influenced their kids and some of their kids grew to be strong Christians who changed the course of world history. By God’s grace it could happen in each of our homes too. But we need to take creating a spiritual atmosphere in our homes very seriously and concern deeply on raising up our kids as disciples of Jesus.
What Do You Do When God’s Will Is Different Than What You Are Praying For?
Psalm 99 verses 6-9 read, “ 6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on the LORD and he answered them. 7 He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud; they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them.” (NIV 1984)
Moses, Aaron, and Samuel were among the priests God had chosen. Moses was a mediator between God and Israel. He brought the Ten Commandments. Aaron interceded for Israel day and night. Samuel anointed kings and served his people with prayers. God answered them when they called to him.
Our God is a God who answers prayers. God has been hearing our prayers. But he answers according to his will. He surely answers. There are prayers that I want answered. I want to have 12 growing disciples and 5 Bible teachers and lots of co-workers and 3 shepherds sharing sincere common life at the Bible house, with daily bread and discipleship going on each day and being surrounded by people who are eager to know Christ and grow as shepherds of God’s flock. This is what I want and this is what I pray for, but is it happening? In some ways it is and in other ways it is not. Does that mean that God is not answering our prayer? No. He his listening. It only means that God’s will for me and my family is different than what we want. God seems to have a monastic role for us. He seems to want to showcase to the world what a Christian family can be struggling to build up a church from the ground up. He seems to want us to love Jesus and love Jesus alone apart from the “extras” of a growing congregation. It is so hard to accept that God’s will is not what we were praying for. But there are times when we need to let go and let God.
Psalm 99 verses 6-9 read, “ 6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on the LORD and he answered them. 7 He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud; they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them.” (NIV 1984)
Moses, Aaron, and Samuel were among the priests God had chosen. Moses was a mediator between God and Israel. He brought the Ten Commandments. Aaron interceded for Israel day and night. Samuel anointed kings and served his people with prayers. God answered them when they called to him.
Our God is a God who answers prayers. God has been hearing our prayers. But he answers according to his will. He surely answers. There are prayers that I want answered. I want to have 12 growing disciples and 5 Bible teachers and lots of co-workers and 3 shepherds sharing sincere common life at the Bible house, with daily bread and discipleship going on each day and being surrounded by people who are eager to know Christ and grow as shepherds of God’s flock. This is what I want and this is what I pray for, but is it happening? In some ways it is and in other ways it is not. Does that mean that God is not answering our prayer? No. He his listening. It only means that God’s will for me and my family is different than what we want. God seems to have a monastic role for us. He seems to want to showcase to the world what a Christian family can be struggling to build up a church from the ground up. He seems to want us to love Jesus and love Jesus alone apart from the “extras” of a growing congregation. It is so hard to accept that God’s will is not what we were praying for. But there are times when we need to let go and let God.
Go Out Among The People
2 Chronicles 19:4-5 Pastor’s Blog Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 1-5-11
“Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the LORD, the God of their ancestors. 5 He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah.”
Jehoshaphat made an unholy alliance and was almost killed in battle; when he returned, he was rebuked for making an alliance with those who hate the Lord. The amazing thing is that he accepted the rebuke, and set his heart on seeking the Lord. Practically speaking Jehoshaphat went out into the country side and sought to turn the people back to God. He was a king and yet he went out among the people. He could not do it alone, so he appointed God-fearing men and instructed them to judge between the people with justice and impartiality, with fear of God in their hearts.
Jesus is the best example of going out among his people. Jesus is God almighty. He lives in the kingdom of heaven. But he gave up all the glory of the kingdom of God and became man and dwelt among us. To do so he was born in abject poverty, as a tiny baby in manger. He was born in Roman occupied land, ruled by a tyrant, where Satan was waiting to take his life. It was so difficult, but he came. At the onset of his ministry, Jesus went out among the people. He came to a lonely and selfish tax collector and became his friend and invited him to follow him. He went to a dinner party full of sinners. He went to a wedding. He came to Zacchaeus and became his friend and visited his house. Jesus touched lepers. He purposely walked through Samaria to minister to one Samaritan woman. He hung out with some rough and tough fisherman. He spent time with his disciples every day for 3 ½ years. He preached to thousands and ministered to one. He gave it all up in order save us from our sins and bring us to everlasting life in the kingdom of God. His coming to be among his people is best described in John 1:14. “The word become flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory the glory of the one and only who came from the father full of grace and truth.”
Paul went out among the people. He made tents to support himself. He worked side by side with other tent makers, like Pricilla and Aquila. All the time he was sharing the gospel with them. Much of his ministry was more deliberate. He purposely went into the synagogues and reasoned with the Jews. He went to small house churches and taught the disciples. He set up a Bible school in the Lecture Hall of Tyrannus and taught every day for two years. Paul went out among the people.
There are forces at work that make us alone and isolated. Satan wants us to be isolated from each other, imprisoned in our own personal electronics. We don’t want to be bothered by anyone. Even Christians don’t want to get out among the people. They like to be around their own circle of friends, people whom they like and who are like them. Is this the example that Jesus has shown? He came to dwell among sinners. He gathered around him, sinners. They were not like the holy God, Jesus. Would you do that? Let’s ask ourselves in 2011, “How can I go out and be among the people?” and then God can use you to turn peoples’ hearts back to the Lord.
2 Chronicles 19:4-5 Pastor’s Blog Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 1-5-11
“Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the LORD, the God of their ancestors. 5 He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah.”
Jehoshaphat made an unholy alliance and was almost killed in battle; when he returned, he was rebuked for making an alliance with those who hate the Lord. The amazing thing is that he accepted the rebuke, and set his heart on seeking the Lord. Practically speaking Jehoshaphat went out into the country side and sought to turn the people back to God. He was a king and yet he went out among the people. He could not do it alone, so he appointed God-fearing men and instructed them to judge between the people with justice and impartiality, with fear of God in their hearts.
Jesus is the best example of going out among his people. Jesus is God almighty. He lives in the kingdom of heaven. But he gave up all the glory of the kingdom of God and became man and dwelt among us. To do so he was born in abject poverty, as a tiny baby in manger. He was born in Roman occupied land, ruled by a tyrant, where Satan was waiting to take his life. It was so difficult, but he came. At the onset of his ministry, Jesus went out among the people. He came to a lonely and selfish tax collector and became his friend and invited him to follow him. He went to a dinner party full of sinners. He went to a wedding. He came to Zacchaeus and became his friend and visited his house. Jesus touched lepers. He purposely walked through Samaria to minister to one Samaritan woman. He hung out with some rough and tough fisherman. He spent time with his disciples every day for 3 ½ years. He preached to thousands and ministered to one. He gave it all up in order save us from our sins and bring us to everlasting life in the kingdom of God. His coming to be among his people is best described in John 1:14. “The word become flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory the glory of the one and only who came from the father full of grace and truth.”
Paul went out among the people. He made tents to support himself. He worked side by side with other tent makers, like Pricilla and Aquila. All the time he was sharing the gospel with them. Much of his ministry was more deliberate. He purposely went into the synagogues and reasoned with the Jews. He went to small house churches and taught the disciples. He set up a Bible school in the Lecture Hall of Tyrannus and taught every day for two years. Paul went out among the people.
There are forces at work that make us alone and isolated. Satan wants us to be isolated from each other, imprisoned in our own personal electronics. We don’t want to be bothered by anyone. Even Christians don’t want to get out among the people. They like to be around their own circle of friends, people whom they like and who are like them. Is this the example that Jesus has shown? He came to dwell among sinners. He gathered around him, sinners. They were not like the holy God, Jesus. Would you do that? Let’s ask ourselves in 2011, “How can I go out and be among the people?” and then God can use you to turn peoples’ hearts back to the Lord.
The 144,000..Let’s Be Like Them Starting Today Kevin Jesmer
Let’s take a look at the famous group of people, the 144,000. Revelation 14:1 reads, “Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.” So what about these 144,000? In short, in God’s history there were twelve tribes of Israel and twelve apostles. 12 times 12 equals 144. In this case the 144,000 could represent the whole redeemed people of God. The members of the 144,000 were very much different than those who wore the number of the beast. They do not have the mark of the beast on their foreheads, though they were forced to conform. Those who wore the number of the beast worshipped and served a godless leader and system. They were forced, not willing people. They were living by fear and they made war against the saints of God. (Rev 13:3b-6; Rev 13:14b-17)
Lets look a little close at what these 144,000 are like from this Bible passage. Revelation 14:2-5 reads, “. 2And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. 3And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 4These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 5No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.” They were talking together and singing and praising God, together, so much so that their voices sounded like rushing water. There were offering up their musical talents in their worship of the Lamb. They were singing the song of the redeemed. That means that their robes were washed white in the blood of the Lamb. They knew that they were purchased from slavery to sin and the devil and set free by the redeeming blood of Jesus They knew the grace of God personally and were compelled to sing about it. They struggle to live a pure life before God and they were devoted to following Jesus wherever Jesus led them. There lives were a living offering to God. They were very happy worshipping Jesus and they were not afraid to be around God’s people and stand, transparently before Jesus for they had nothing to hide. They were pure in heart and sincere and honest. These are the characteristics of the 144,000. Some may say, “Well. of course they are like that in heaven. If I was in heaven I would be just like that too.” Maybe? But I’m sure that these saints were putting into practice what they were doing in heaven, while they lived on earth. Let’s examine our hearts and find out how we can exude the characteristics of the 144,000 while we are walking on this earth and have a burning hope and desire to be included in those who will be praising Jesus around his throne.
Let’s take a look at the famous group of people, the 144,000. Revelation 14:1 reads, “Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.” So what about these 144,000? In short, in God’s history there were twelve tribes of Israel and twelve apostles. 12 times 12 equals 144. In this case the 144,000 could represent the whole redeemed people of God. The members of the 144,000 were very much different than those who wore the number of the beast. They do not have the mark of the beast on their foreheads, though they were forced to conform. Those who wore the number of the beast worshipped and served a godless leader and system. They were forced, not willing people. They were living by fear and they made war against the saints of God. (Rev 13:3b-6; Rev 13:14b-17)
Lets look a little close at what these 144,000 are like from this Bible passage. Revelation 14:2-5 reads, “. 2And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. 3And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 4These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 5No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.” They were talking together and singing and praising God, together, so much so that their voices sounded like rushing water. There were offering up their musical talents in their worship of the Lamb. They were singing the song of the redeemed. That means that their robes were washed white in the blood of the Lamb. They knew that they were purchased from slavery to sin and the devil and set free by the redeeming blood of Jesus They knew the grace of God personally and were compelled to sing about it. They struggle to live a pure life before God and they were devoted to following Jesus wherever Jesus led them. There lives were a living offering to God. They were very happy worshipping Jesus and they were not afraid to be around God’s people and stand, transparently before Jesus for they had nothing to hide. They were pure in heart and sincere and honest. These are the characteristics of the 144,000. Some may say, “Well. of course they are like that in heaven. If I was in heaven I would be just like that too.” Maybe? But I’m sure that these saints were putting into practice what they were doing in heaven, while they lived on earth. Let’s examine our hearts and find out how we can exude the characteristics of the 144,000 while we are walking on this earth and have a burning hope and desire to be included in those who will be praising Jesus around his throne.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
How Far Would You Go To Help Your Children Meet Jesus Personally And Grow To Be Servants Of God?
By Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 5-25-11
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion? We will see what the Bible teaches. Then we will see some examples from famous parents in Christian history, like William Penn, Susanna Wesly, and Ruth Graham. We will then think of some issues that hinder us from providing such an environment for raising our kids, an environment through which God can work.
Part l: We All Want Kids Like The Boy Jesus.
Luke 2:41-51, “Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom. 43 After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. 44 Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. 46 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” 49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. Jesus went to all the religious festivals held in Jerusalem. He fully particiated in the Jewish religious life. He was a young man who liked to talk about spiritual things. He was so into talking about spiritual things that he forgot that his own family had left to go home from the festival. He was engaging the religious leaders in such deep and profound conversation that they were truly amazed. His parents were astonished. He grew up spiritual and obedient and he grew in favor with God and man. We all want Christian kids like this. Sometimes we expect God to just make our kids like this with little of no effort on our part. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion?
Part ll: What The Bible Teaches
Genesis 18:18-19, “18 Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. 19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[a] 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Ephesians 6:4, “ 4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
From these verses we learn several spiritual lessons. From God’s direction to Abraham we see that he was called to set the example for household, by doing what is right and just. This is hard. As parents we should never say, “Do as I say, but not as I do.” Rather we must say, “Do as I do.”
From the Lord’s instructions in Deuteronomy we learned that we need to impress the words of God on our children. We need to discuss the word of God with them at home, as we go for walks, in the morning and when we go to bed. I don’t think that the young people in 1400 B.C. were much different in regards to receiving instruction in the Lord as kids are today. They were not eagerly begging their parents to impress the word of God on them. Most likely they did not like it. But if we wait until our kids like it and ask for it, we may be waiting forever and miss the opportunity to impress the words of God on their hearts.
From Proverbs we learn that we need to train our children in the Lord. The word “train” is not a casual word. To train means to do something deliberate. Training is repetative. Training is persistent. It may not be pleasreable at the time but it reaps many benfits and makes a person stronger and more able to overcome hardships. All of these principles apply to raising our kids.
Paul teaches the Ephesian Christian fathers to bring their children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. To do this fathers not only need to know the Bible but they also need to be able to teach the Bible and show its application. Bringing them up in it, implies a lifestyle.
Part lll: Some Examples Set By Parents In Christian History.
From a letter written by William Penn (Quaker Preacher, author, founder of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) to his wife. His wife and children had left for the America on Oct 1862. He wrote letters to them for their guidance. Here is an exerpt that shows the importance of family devotionals.
“…be diligent in meetings for worship and business. And let meetings be kept once a day in the family to wait upon the Lord, who has given us much time for ourselves. ….”
(“No Cross, No Crown.” by William Penn)
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 366)
“The training Susanna Wesley gave her children is indicated by this letter she wrote to her eldest son Samuel, who became a preacher:
‘Consider well what a separation from the world, what purity, what devotion, what expemplary virtue are required in those who are to guide others to glory…I would advice you to arrange your affairs by a certain method, by which means you will learn to improve every precious moment…begin and end each day with Him who is the Alpha and the Omega, and if you really experience what is the love of God, you will redeem all the time you can for His more immediate service. Endeavor to act upon principle and do not live like the rest of mankind, who passs through the world like straws upon a river, which are carried which way the stream or the wind drive them…Get as deep an impression on your mind as is possible of the constant presence of the great and holy God. He is about our beds and about our paths and spies out all our ways. Whenever you are tempted to the commission of sin, or the ommission of any duty, pause and say to yourself, ‘What am I about to do? God sees me.’”
“In her ‘household school,’ for six hours a day through twenty years, she taught her children so thoroughly that they became unusually cultured. There were not one of them in whom she did not instill a passion for learning and righteousness.’…’When her son John became a noted man, he begged her to write down some details of the education of her children, to which she reluctantly consented. She confessed, ‘No one can, without renouncing the world in the most literal sense, observe my method. There are few, if any, who would devote about twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of their children.’
“She began to train her children by a rather strict method of living as soon as they were born. From their birth she also began to train their wills, making them realize they must obey their parents. They were even taught to cry softly, to eat or drink whatever was given them. Drinking or eating between meals was never allowed, unless they were sick. At age six, as soon as the family prayers were over, they had their supper. At eight they were put to bed and told to go to sleep. ‘No such thing was allowed in our house,’ this mother reports, ‘as sitting by a child till it fell asleep.’ The loud noise children generally make was seldom heard in the Wesley house. Laughter and play, on the other hand were common sounds.
The spiritual welfare of her children mattered most to Susanna. She gave them an appreciation of the things of the spirit, and this teaching she carried on into their more mature years. Even when she was an old woman, her son John still came to his devout mother for counsel. Not to Methodists alone but to the whole world Susanna Wesly gave a new freedom of faith, a new spark of vital religion and a new intimacy with God.
It is no wonder that this mother who so often prayed, ‘Grant me grace, O Lord, to be wholly a Christian,’ should produce a great Christian like John Welsey. ‘Help me, Lord,’ she prayed, ‘to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church or closet, nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that I am everywhere in Thy Presense.’”
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 142-144)
Ruth Bell Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, She was born to missionary parents in Tsingkiang, China, in 1920, where she was raised in staunch Presbyterian piety, with daily doses of private and family devotions and being expected to memorize large portions of the Bible.
The following is and exerpt from Franklin Graham’s autobiography, “Rebel With A Cause.” In it he explains Ruth Graham’s daily spiritual life as she raised her kids.
“Though my folks insisted we go to church every Sunday, as far back as I can remember, my parents never crammed religion down my throat. They did try to instill in all of us kids the importance of a personal relationship with God. Every evening our family had devotions before we went to bed. Mama or Daddy would read a short passage from the Bible and then we would each say a sentence prayer. In the morning, Mama or Daddy would lead us in prayer before we left the house for school. It didn’t matter who was in the house at the time – our housekeeper, caretaker, or guests – it was something everyone did in our home. I can’t remember a day when this didn’t happen.
My parents also encouraged us to memorize Scripture verses. One of the ways they did this was on Sunday after church and lunch, before we could go out to play, we had to memmorize a verse and recite it to Mama, almost word perfect. She did make a few exceptions. When we complained that the verses were too difficult, she let us pick our own. She didn’t care as long as it was the Word of God. This got us reading the Bible to find short verses such as ‘Jesus wept.’ It didn’t bother Mama. Mama and Daddy believed that the time would come when their children would need the strength of God that comes through his word. They knew that one day we would be out on our own; yet God would always be with us. And they were right.
I didn’t mind the devotions, especially at night, because Mama often told stories from the Bible and mixed them with her own experiences from growing up in China.”
“Rebel With A Cause” Frankin Graham. 1995 pages 8-9.
Part lV: Things That Hinder Our Kids From Growing As Servants Of Jesus
There are so many things that stop us from making such and environment.
First, we don’t think that being so extreme is necessary. I don’t think that being passive and casual about about discipling our kids is a good idea. Let’s face the fact that we are in a spiritual battle for our kid’s souls. The devil and the influences of our godless culture are working overtime to capture our childrens’ hearts. We need to work twice as hard to win their souls over to Jesus.
Second, We don’t want to set the example ourselves. It is hard work to teach the truth. We need to set the example. If we want our kids to pray we need to pray. If we want them to go to church, we need to. We just can’t drop our kids off to youth group for free babysitting and ignore church ourselves.
Third, we are waiting until they are willing and happy about it. Let’s face it. Most kids are willing and eager to watch t.v., text, go on facebook and watch movies and play video games. This is true even for Christian kids. They may never be willing. But we need to still introduce a Biblical lifestyle into their lives.
Fourth, we are afraid of turning them off from Christianity. Like I said, the Devil is working night and day to turn our kids off from Jesus. 50% of Christian kids who go into college emerge unbelievers. If we leave them alone they will be turned off. This world is full of sad stories of kids who have gone astray. Most have gone astray not from strict Christian parents, but from parents afraid to impose spiritual discipline in the home.
Fifth, we are afraid of loosing our kids’ love for us. Sometimes we are held hostage with the threat that our kids won’t love us anymore if we impose our faith on them too much. There is a saying, “be careful how you treat your kids, they will choose your nursing home.” They could either love you or hate you or avoid you. What if we were too soft and our kids grow up to be sincere Christians and they grew up thinking that we raised the family in a compromised, “wishy washy” way? Ultmately we need to do what we need to do before God and trust God. If we are truthful and sincere our kids will respect us for that in the long run. Our lives will show them the way.
Sixth, our expectations are too low. We are tempted to think that if our kids get a good edcation, a nice job, start a family, attend church sporatically and pay lip service to Jesus, then that is the ultimate success story. We may not even have a hope and a prayer for them to be servants of Christ. Our low standards may be hindering our kid’s spiritual growth.
Even if we try our best to impress the faith on the hearts of our children, this does not mean that it will happen. Even the great prophet Samuel had sons who went astray. But we can make a a difference. All the people mentioned influenced their kids and some of their kids grew to be strong Christians who changed the course of world history. By God’s grace it could happen in each of our homes too. But we need to take creating a spiritual atmosphere in our homes very seriously and concern deeply on raising up our kids as disciples of Jesus.
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion? We will see what the Bible teaches. Then we will see some examples from famous parents in Christian history, like William Penn, Susanna Wesly, and Ruth Graham. We will then think of some issues that hinder us from providing such an environment for raising our kids, an environment through which God can work.
Part l: We All Want Kids Like The Boy Jesus.
Luke 2:41-51, “Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom. 43 After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. 44 Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. 46 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” 49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
Let’s face it. As Christian parents we all want children who are like Jesus in his youth. Jesus went to all the religious festivals held in Jerusalem. He fully particiated in the Jewish religious life. He was a young man who liked to talk about spiritual things. He was so into talking about spiritual things that he forgot that his own family had left to go home from the festival. He was engaging the religious leaders in such deep and profound conversation that they were truly amazed. His parents were astonished. He grew up spiritual and obedient and he grew in favor with God and man. We all want Christian kids like this. Sometimes we expect God to just make our kids like this with little of no effort on our part. But what does it take for parents to make an atmosphere in their home where God can work to call a child to this level of sincerity and devotion?
Part ll: What The Bible Teaches
Genesis 18:18-19, “18 Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. 19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[a] 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Ephesians 6:4, “ 4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
From these verses we learn several spiritual lessons. From God’s direction to Abraham we see that he was called to set the example for household, by doing what is right and just. This is hard. As parents we should never say, “Do as I say, but not as I do.” Rather we must say, “Do as I do.”
From the Lord’s instructions in Deuteronomy we learned that we need to impress the words of God on our children. We need to discuss the word of God with them at home, as we go for walks, in the morning and when we go to bed. I don’t think that the young people in 1400 B.C. were much different in regards to receiving instruction in the Lord as kids are today. They were not eagerly begging their parents to impress the word of God on them. Most likely they did not like it. But if we wait until our kids like it and ask for it, we may be waiting forever and miss the opportunity to impress the words of God on their hearts.
From Proverbs we learn that we need to train our children in the Lord. The word “train” is not a casual word. To train means to do something deliberate. Training is repetative. Training is persistent. It may not be pleasreable at the time but it reaps many benfits and makes a person stronger and more able to overcome hardships. All of these principles apply to raising our kids.
Paul teaches the Ephesian Christian fathers to bring their children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. To do this fathers not only need to know the Bible but they also need to be able to teach the Bible and show its application. Bringing them up in it, implies a lifestyle.
Part lll: Some Examples Set By Parents In Christian History.
From a letter written by William Penn (Quaker Preacher, author, founder of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) to his wife. His wife and children had left for the America on Oct 1862. He wrote letters to them for their guidance. Here is an exerpt that shows the importance of family devotionals.
“…be diligent in meetings for worship and business. And let meetings be kept once a day in the family to wait upon the Lord, who has given us much time for ourselves. ….”
(“No Cross, No Crown.” by William Penn)
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 366)
“The training Susanna Wesley gave her children is indicated by this letter she wrote to her eldest son Samuel, who became a preacher:
‘Consider well what a separation from the world, what purity, what devotion, what expemplary virtue are required in those who are to guide others to glory…I would advice you to arrange your affairs by a certain method, by which means you will learn to improve every precious moment…begin and end each day with Him who is the Alpha and the Omega, and if you really experience what is the love of God, you will redeem all the time you can for His more immediate service. Endeavor to act upon principle and do not live like the rest of mankind, who passs through the world like straws upon a river, which are carried which way the stream or the wind drive them…Get as deep an impression on your mind as is possible of the constant presence of the great and holy God. He is about our beds and about our paths and spies out all our ways. Whenever you are tempted to the commission of sin, or the ommission of any duty, pause and say to yourself, ‘What am I about to do? God sees me.’”
“In her ‘household school,’ for six hours a day through twenty years, she taught her children so thoroughly that they became unusually cultured. There were not one of them in whom she did not instill a passion for learning and righteousness.’…’When her son John became a noted man, he begged her to write down some details of the education of her children, to which she reluctantly consented. She confessed, ‘No one can, without renouncing the world in the most literal sense, observe my method. There are few, if any, who would devote about twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of their children.’
“She began to train her children by a rather strict method of living as soon as they were born. From their birth she also began to train their wills, making them realize they must obey their parents. They were even taught to cry softly, to eat or drink whatever was given them. Drinking or eating between meals was never allowed, unless they were sick. At age six, as soon as the family prayers were over, they had their supper. At eight they were put to bed and told to go to sleep. ‘No such thing was allowed in our house,’ this mother reports, ‘as sitting by a child till it fell asleep.’ The loud noise children generally make was seldom heard in the Wesley house. Laughter and play, on the other hand were common sounds.
The spiritual welfare of her children mattered most to Susanna. She gave them an appreciation of the things of the spirit, and this teaching she carried on into their more mature years. Even when she was an old woman, her son John still came to his devout mother for counsel. Not to Methodists alone but to the whole world Susanna Wesly gave a new freedom of faith, a new spark of vital religion and a new intimacy with God.
It is no wonder that this mother who so often prayed, ‘Grant me grace, O Lord, to be wholly a Christian,’ should produce a great Christian like John Welsey. ‘Help me, Lord,’ she prayed, ‘to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church or closet, nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that I am everywhere in Thy Presense.’”
(“Great Women Of The Christian Faith”, Edith Deen. 1959. p. 142-144)
Ruth Bell Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, She was born to missionary parents in Tsingkiang, China, in 1920, where she was raised in staunch Presbyterian piety, with daily doses of private and family devotions and being expected to memorize large portions of the Bible.
The following is and exerpt from Franklin Graham’s autobiography, “Rebel With A Cause.” In it he explains Ruth Graham’s daily spiritual life as she raised her kids.
“Though my folks insisted we go to church every Sunday, as far back as I can remember, my parents never crammed religion down my throat. They did try to instill in all of us kids the importance of a personal relationship with God. Every evening our family had devotions before we went to bed. Mama or Daddy would read a short passage from the Bible and then we would each say a sentence prayer. In the morning, Mama or Daddy would lead us in prayer before we left the house for school. It didn’t matter who was in the house at the time – our housekeeper, caretaker, or guests – it was something everyone did in our home. I can’t remember a day when this didn’t happen.
My parents also encouraged us to memorize Scripture verses. One of the ways they did this was on Sunday after church and lunch, before we could go out to play, we had to memmorize a verse and recite it to Mama, almost word perfect. She did make a few exceptions. When we complained that the verses were too difficult, she let us pick our own. She didn’t care as long as it was the Word of God. This got us reading the Bible to find short verses such as ‘Jesus wept.’ It didn’t bother Mama. Mama and Daddy believed that the time would come when their children would need the strength of God that comes through his word. They knew that one day we would be out on our own; yet God would always be with us. And they were right.
I didn’t mind the devotions, especially at night, because Mama often told stories from the Bible and mixed them with her own experiences from growing up in China.”
“Rebel With A Cause” Frankin Graham. 1995 pages 8-9.
Part lV: Things That Hinder Our Kids From Growing As Servants Of Jesus
There are so many things that stop us from making such and environment.
First, we don’t think that being so extreme is necessary. I don’t think that being passive and casual about about discipling our kids is a good idea. Let’s face the fact that we are in a spiritual battle for our kid’s souls. The devil and the influences of our godless culture are working overtime to capture our childrens’ hearts. We need to work twice as hard to win their souls over to Jesus.
Second, We don’t want to set the example ourselves. It is hard work to teach the truth. We need to set the example. If we want our kids to pray we need to pray. If we want them to go to church, we need to. We just can’t drop our kids off to youth group for free babysitting and ignore church ourselves.
Third, we are waiting until they are willing and happy about it. Let’s face it. Most kids are willing and eager to watch t.v., text, go on facebook and watch movies and play video games. This is true even for Christian kids. They may never be willing. But we need to still introduce a Biblical lifestyle into their lives.
Fourth, we are afraid of turning them off from Christianity. Like I said, the Devil is working night and day to turn our kids off from Jesus. 50% of Christian kids who go into college emerge unbelievers. If we leave them alone they will be turned off. This world is full of sad stories of kids who have gone astray. Most have gone astray not from strict Christian parents, but from parents afraid to impose spiritual discipline in the home.
Fifth, we are afraid of loosing our kids’ love for us. Sometimes we are held hostage with the threat that our kids won’t love us anymore if we impose our faith on them too much. There is a saying, “be careful how you treat your kids, they will choose your nursing home.” They could either love you or hate you or avoid you. What if we were too soft and our kids grow up to be sincere Christians and they grew up thinking that we raised the family in a compromised, “wishy washy” way? Ultmately we need to do what we need to do before God and trust God. If we are truthful and sincere our kids will respect us for that in the long run. Our lives will show them the way.
Sixth, our expectations are too low. We are tempted to think that if our kids get a good edcation, a nice job, start a family, attend church sporatically and pay lip service to Jesus, then that is the ultimate success story. We may not even have a hope and a prayer for them to be servants of Christ. Our low standards may be hindering our kid’s spiritual growth.
Even if we try our best to impress the faith on the hearts of our children, this does not mean that it will happen. Even the great prophet Samuel had sons who went astray. But we can make a a difference. All the people mentioned influenced their kids and some of their kids grew to be strong Christians who changed the course of world history. By God’s grace it could happen in each of our homes too. But we need to take creating a spiritual atmosphere in our homes very seriously and concern deeply on raising up our kids as disciples of Jesus.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
NIU UBF Ministry Prayer Topics
Luke 6:12
“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.”
1. Go out among the young people of DeKalb and NIU
2. Raise up Bible teachers in the land…5 total.
3. Revelation and Romans Bible study.
4. Quality daily bread every day.
5. 20 1:1’s and 15 faithful Sunday worship service attendants.
6. Renewed fishing ministry
7. Increase nurse subscriptions to messages to 30 nurses per week.
8. Continue co-working relationships with Triton and DuPage UBF
ministries, DeKalb Christian Church and Feed ‘Em Soup.
9. Develop two NIU Bible schools
10. Create a joyful and hopeful spiritual atmosphere.
11. Nurture a weekly “on campus prayer meeting”
12. Grow in a deeper love and co-working relationships with each other.
13. Build up the High School (FCA) and Middle School Bible clubs.
14. Participate in world mission
15. Keep the Bible House for one more year.
16. Continually pray that the D.E.A.R. area (DeKalb-Elgin-Aurora-
Rockford) regions may be pioneered with 1:1 Bible study and
discipleship ministries.
17. Jesmer children may grow in their personal relationship with Jesus
and be shepherds of God’s flock.
18. Develop our musical talents and offer them up Jesus to be used for his
Luke 6:12
“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.”
1. Go out among the young people of DeKalb and NIU
2. Raise up Bible teachers in the land…5 total.
3. Revelation and Romans Bible study.
4. Quality daily bread every day.
5. 20 1:1’s and 15 faithful Sunday worship service attendants.
6. Renewed fishing ministry
7. Increase nurse subscriptions to messages to 30 nurses per week.
8. Continue co-working relationships with Triton and DuPage UBF
ministries, DeKalb Christian Church and Feed ‘Em Soup.
9. Develop two NIU Bible schools
10. Create a joyful and hopeful spiritual atmosphere.
11. Nurture a weekly “on campus prayer meeting”
12. Grow in a deeper love and co-working relationships with each other.
13. Build up the High School (FCA) and Middle School Bible clubs.
14. Participate in world mission
15. Keep the Bible House for one more year.
16. Continually pray that the D.E.A.R. area (DeKalb-Elgin-Aurora-
Rockford) regions may be pioneered with 1:1 Bible study and
discipleship ministries.
17. Jesmer children may grow in their personal relationship with Jesus
and be shepherds of God’s flock.
18. Develop our musical talents and offer them up Jesus to be used for his
Matthew 5:1-16
Salt And Light Of The Earth
Matthew 5:1-16 Shp Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 1-9-11
Key verse 5:13a, 14a Adapted from Mother Sarah Barry’s message delivered 1-2-11
“You are the salt of the earth…..You are the light of the world.”
We are beginning a new year and a new decade, 2011. In this year we want to grow our relationship with God through deep Bible study and prayer. We want to know Jesus better. We want to have loving relationships that encourage and build others up. We want to participate in what God is doing to make his people a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. We want to be salt and light, in the place that we live, so that God may be glorified. For these things we need Jesus’ help and presence in us. Through a study of this passage may be we learn what true blessedness is and seek it. May we stand as salty servants of God. May we also be small lights in this world, pointing to the Great Light, Jesus Christ. May God bless you.
Part l: The Eight States Of Blessedness (1-12)
Jesus began his ministry in a dark corner of a small country. Matthew quoted Isaiah; “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Jesus is the Great Light. He came preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” (Mt 4:16-17) When people heard Jesus preaching, they began to repent. Jesus announced the Kingdom of Heaven and he brought it with him. He healed the sick and cast out demons and brought God’s love and life to the hopeless. People living in the darkness of sin and despair could see the Great Light.
To further spread his light, Jesus raised disciples. Look at verses 1-2. “Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him and he began to teach them.” These first disciples were fishermen and tax collectors and working men. Maybe there were a few students also. There were women, too, who learned from him. He did not teach them techniques of how to preach or how to lead a ministry. He shared with them himself, his own mind and heart. He wanted to change the world through them, one heart at a time. So he went up on a mountainside and his disciples came to him. He taught them the Sermon On The Mount, beginning with the Beatitudes. It is description of Jesus’ own character and his personal life principles.
Jesus himself is salt and light. He wants his disciples to be salt and light in the world. Salt is hidden and works quietly and in unseen ways to give flavor and preserve food. On the contrary…light should be seen by everyone. Light dispenses darkness. Jesus says to us too, “You are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world.”
Fifty years ago, in Korea, in 1961, when the UBF ministry began, the people, especially young students, were living in darkness. It was the darkness of fatalism and poverty. It was the darkness that seeps into the heart when hope comes out. Koreans had endured 45 years of subjugation under Japan, a devastating internecine war, and the forced division of their country.
The hearts of our UBF founders went out to these young people, but they had no way to help them. Relief goods poured in from America to help those who were hungry and cold and sick. But material things could not heal broken hearts or cure fatalism or bring hope into the darkness. But God gave them his book, the Bible. Many students were drawn to Bible study because they wanted to learn English. But when they studied the Bible, God spoke to their hearts. The people living in the darkness saw a great light. The Creator God sent Immanuel Jesus to be with them. He is the Wonderful Counselor. He gave them the Bible to lead them into truth. When we opened our hearts to God and to his word, he led us out of darkness into his light. During those 50 years they have learned that the Bible is God’s word. It is indeed the lamp for all of our feet and a light for all our paths. These young Koreans went to the end of the earth to be the salt and light of the earth. That was the first 50 years. May God grant UBF his vision for the next 50 years of his work through our ministry at the upcoming missionary conference in Seoul in May.
Let’s continue on now with Jesus’ Sermon. He began to teach them saying, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” What does it mean to be “blessed”. To be “blessed” is more than just being happy, healthy with an abundance of material things. To be blessed means to be touched by God’s love and grace in such a way as to be deeply satisfied. It means to have real peace. The first and last blessing is, “For theirs is the Kingdom of God.” (3,10) This is the best blessing because to have the Kingdom of heaven is to have everything. Now let’s continue…
First, “poor in spirit.” We are “poor in spirit” when we know our helpless state. To be poor in spirit means to know that we are sinners who need God. To be poor in spirit means to have a learning mind because we know we lack knowledge. It means to be thankful, for we have nothing that has not been given to us by God. We are like little children whom Jesus invited to come to him. He said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Mt 19:14) The kingdom of heaven is ours because Jesus gives it to us. (Lk 12:32) Salty Christians are those who are poor in spirit. They know they need the Savior, Jesus, and humbly learn from him.
Second, blessed are those who mourn. Let’s read verse 4. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Jesus mourned. He wept over Jerusalem. (Lk 19:41-44) He wept at the tomb of Lazarus. (Jn 11:25) He weeps because of my sins. (Gen 6:3) But when sinners repent, Jesus is comforted. (Lk 15:3-31) And when I repent, I am comforted by Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Paul says in 2 Cor 7:10, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” Sometimes we grieve because we have lost something- a parent, a spouse, a job, a friend, or because we have failed in something. If we bring our grief to God, and receive his comfort, we can grow in depth of character. If we do not bring this grief to God, we only become bitter and angry. If we do not repent, or, if we hold onto our grief, we become salt that has lost its saltiness. Salty Christians mourn for godly reasons, repenting and searching for a resolution in the Lord. With such people, Jesus is comforted and he will in turn comfort such people.
Third, the meek shall inherit the earth. Look at verse 5. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” A synonym of meek is humble. Meek is not to be weak like a mouse. The Bible says that Moses was very humble, more humble than anyone on the face of the earth. (Num 12:3) When problems arose or his leadership was challenged, he did not fight with people. He prayed and waited on God. Meekness is waiting on God instead of defending ourselves. Isaac (Gen 26) is an example of meekness. He obeyed God and stayed in the land of the Philistines. He kept on giving up his wells and digging up new ones. He accepted God’s word, “Do not be afraid.” He continued living by faith, quietly, and he won the victory. He eventually inherited the land.
Jesus showed his meekness when he was arrested, tried and crucified. He was led like a lamb the slaughter. He promised his disciples, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” (5, Ps 37:11) Victory belongs, not to the abrasive fighter, but to the meek person who waits on God. When we are found in Christ, then we can be meek. Salty Christians have the inner strength to wait in humble patience and trust God.
Fourth, hunger and thirst for righteousness. Look at verse 6; “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Righteousness is a right relationship with God. Paul longed for this. He said, “I want to know Christ.” (Php 3:8-9) To hunger and thirst for righteousness is to long to be cleansed from sin and set free from its power. It is to long to know Jesus. God does not take sin lightly. Jesus was an atoning sacrifice for my sins and yours and for the sins of the world. God made him sin who knew no sin so that we may be the righteousness of God. Jesus is God, but he longed to be with his Father in the heavenly kingdom. When he bore in his body the sins of the world, he felt the pain of his separation from God. He cried out from the cross, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46)
To hunger and thirst for righteousness also means to long for a just world, to hate oppression and injustice. Jesus came to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of the truth listens to him. To hunger and thirst for righteousness is to long to know and live by the truth. Mother Barry (The co-founder of our ministry) grew up in the segregated South. When she studied the Bible she realized the injustice of that society. To her, it was very clear that Jesus is our righteousness. When we study the Bible we learn that God created and loves all people. We can stand on the side of truth when Immanuel Jesus dwells with us. Salty Christians are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Their souls will indeed be filled by God.
Fifth, Blessed are the merciful. Let’s read verse 7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” To show mercy means to forgive. We can forgive because we are forgiven. (Lk 6:27-36) Jesus said, “Be merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful. He sends rain and sunshine on both the just and the unjust.” God, who forgives our sins, is merciful. We are simply forgiven sinners. We can not withhold mercy and forgiveness from others. Jesus forgave and he taught his disciples to forgive. He prayed from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Lk 23:34) Jesus’ mercy is like a boundless ocean. His love is higher than the skies and wider than whole world. Our world desperately needs the salt and light of Jesus’ justice and mercy and forgiveness.
Jesus’ actions underscore his teachings. Once some men dragged a woman caught in the act of adultery into the temple courts and asked Jesus to pass judgment on her. Jesus did not condemn her. Rather he forgave her and sent her away with a new life direction, He told her, “Go and leave your life of sin.” (Jn 8:11) Jesus’ mercy is not cheap. He could show mercy because he would take her place on the cross and die for her sins. Jesus is the foundation of mercy. Salty Christians are those who have been forgiven by Jesus and who forgive others, showing mercy.
Sixth, Blessed are the pure in heart. Let’s read verse 8; “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” This Beatitude promises that the pure in heart can see God. What are the things that make the heart impure? Holding onto grudges, entertaining lustful thoughts, holding onto hatred, refusing to face our sins and honestly repent-these things make our hearts impure. Jesus says in Mark 7:20-23, “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean’. For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from the inside and make a man ‘unclean.’” When we try to make our own hearts pure, we soon find it impossible. How can sinful people be pure in heart? We cannot purify our hearts by self discipline. No matter how hard I try I fail. We can be made pure only by the blood of Jesus. Then we must hide God’s word in our hearts. (Jn 15:3) The Holy Spirit can then come to dwell in hearts that have been purified by the blood of Jesus. Salty Christians are those who have pure hearts made pure by the blood of Jesus.
Seventh, blessed are the peacemakers. Let’s read verse 9. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.” Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He came and died and rose so that we might have peace with God. When we have peace with God, we can have peace with one another. Romans 5:1 reads, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” When we are slaves to sin and enemies of God we had no peace. Jesus died to reconcile us to God and to make us instruments of reconciliation-peacemakers. (2 Cor 5:18-19) The gospel is God’s instrument of peace. It is still true! Through the gospel of Jesus you and I can have peace in our hearts. Peace can not be won through war. It can not be made through education. It can come only when Jesus comes into one’s heart. Peaceful hearts, ruled by Jesus, add up to a peaceful world. World peace starts with heart peace, one heart at a time. Peace will come in the Middle East when Muslims and Jews meet at the foot of Jesus’ cross and when Christians stand as salt and light of the world. A salty Christian is one who has found peace with God through the Gospel of Jesus and helps others to have that same peace.
Eighth, blessed are those who are those who are persecuted because of righteousness. Let’s read verse 10. “”Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus was not persecuted for mistakes or foolishness. He was persecuted for righteousness’ sake. He knew no sin, yet he died so that we may be forgiven. He was wounded for our transgressions and pierced for our iniquities. The kingdom is his and because we belong to him, the kingdom is ours too. To have the kingdom of God is to have everything. There are a lot of things in this world that make us anxious. But we do not have to be anxious about the future. Jesus is our shepherd who leads us through the valley of the shadow of death. Where Jesus is…there is the kingdom of heaven. Salty Christians are those who do not become fearful, fatalistic or give up in the face of persecution, but rejoice and follow Jesus, all the more, because they have the kingdom of heaven.
Part ll: Christian Saltiness (13)
Jesus has some very clear words concerning the spiritual condition of Christian living in this world. Look at verse 13. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt looses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” Jesus’ disciples must be salty. Salt preserves and prevents decay. It makes tasteless food tasty. Salty Christians are those who do not compromise with the world or accept its standards. They may be laughed at, and/or persecuted, and ignored, but their influence is felt. Those who loose their saltiness, by compromising with the values and morals of society, are worse than useless. Why? They become a bad influence and confuse others as to what true Christianity actually is.
When Jesus dwells in our hearts we can be the salt of the earth. People changed by Jesus can in turn change the world. William Wilberforce was a member of the British Parliament who became a Christian in the 18th Century. He realized that slavery was wrong. He fought in the halls of government until the slave trade was abolished in England. God used him to make a more just society. Men and women, who for Jesus’ sake, care about the vulnerable people of society, and their influence upon them, and do something about it, are salt.
In every area of society there are Jesus’ people who have the salt of the gospel in their hearts and lives. They have welcomed Jesus into their hearts. There are salty executive assistants and meeting planners, who don’t let the material perks of corporate life capture their hearts, but are able to share the gospel in the nation’s board rooms. There are nursing home workers who realize that they are not just doing a job, but they are making a home and providing friendships to some of the loneliest people in our society. There are doctors and nurses and CNAs and other healthcare professionals, who, instead of focusing on making money, respect life and have compassion for the weak and vulnerable in society. There are teachers who not only find a way to tell the truth about the Creator God, but also show God’s love and compassion to broken and hurting students. There are business people who have Immanuel Jesus dwelling in their hearts and use their influence to advance the Kingdom of God. Therefore they are people of honesty and integrity. There are factory workers, professors, people who clean the streets and pick up their garbage, who all who do their jobs, before God. There are young people who keep their relationships pure. There are students who study for the glory of God. These people are all salt of the earth. What they do may go unnoticed, but God is using them to change the world.
In addition to this, Jesus’ disciples share the word of God with anyone. We can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, invite strangers in, take care of the sick and visit and encourage people in prison. As we are led by the Spirit of Jesus we can see what he wants us to do and ask him for strength to do it – and be salt and light.
Part lll: Light Of The World. (14-16)
Christians are the light of the world. Jesus said so in verse 14a, “You are the light of the world.” 1 John 1:5 reads, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” God wants his people to shine the light of his truth and love into the world, pointing to the great light, Jesus Christ. Our Puritan forefathers wanted America to be an exemplary Christian nation, like a city on a hill giving God’s light to the whole world. May God fulfill, in this land, the prayer and original purpose of our forefathers.
As we study the Bible and come to Jesus day by day we can be salt and light. We learn that we can be salty Christians in many ways…. salty Christians are those who know they need the Savior, Jesus and learn from him. They mourn for godly reasons, searching for a resolution in the Lord, Jesus. Salty Christians have the inner strength to wait in humble patience and trust God. They are found in Christ, and can be meek like Jesus. Salty Christians are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Their souls will indeed be filled by God. Salty Christians are blessed because they have received Jesus’ mercy and are forgiven. So they can show mercy. Salty Christians are those who have pure hearts made pure by the blood of Jesus. A salty Christian is one who has found peace with God through the Gospel of Jesus and helps others to have that same peace. Salty Christians are those who do not become fearful, fatalistic or give up in the face of persecution, but rejoice and follow Jesus, all the more, because they have the kingdom of heaven. Salty Christians are those who do not compromise with the world or accept its standards. To be put very simply, we can be salt and light when Jesus is in us.
May God help us to let our light shine before me so that people may see our good deeds and give praise and glory to our Father in heaven. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit come and indwell each of us today so that through 2011 we may be salt and light and God’s people in the world and may we be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
1. Read verses 1-2. What had been the response of the people to Jesus’ ministry? Why had the crowds come? What did Jesus do when he saw the crowds? To whom does he address his teaching?
2. Read verses 3-10. How many times is “Blessed” repeated in these verses? What does it mean to be blessed? What examples of blessed people in the Bible can you find? (Gen 12:2-3; Nu 6:24-26; Ps 1:1-2)
3. What does it mean to be poor in spirit? (3) What is the blessing given to the poor in spirit? To whom else is this blessing given? (10) In what was does this blessing include all the others?
4. What is the blessing given to those who mourn? (4) In what way can mourning be a blessing? (2Co 7:10) What does it mean to be comforted? What does it mean to be meek? (5) What is the blessing given to the meek? Why?
5. What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness? What blessing is given these? What does it mean to be filled? (6) How does Jesus satisfy this hunger?
6. What does it mean to be merciful? How does this reflect God’s character? What blessing is promised to the merciful? (7) What blessing is promised to the pure in heart? (8) How can one be pure in heart? To what other blessings is this related?
7. What blessing is given to the peacemakers? (9) What does it mean to be a peacemaker? How was Jesus a peacemaker?
8. Read verses 10-12. What should disciples of Jesus expect? What must be our attitude in all circumstances? What is our hope? What examples do we have?
9. Read verses 13-16. How can disciples be salty salt? Why must we be? What is God’s great purpose in sending Jesus and what is Jesus’ purpose in raising disciples? How can we be the light of the world and how can our nation be a city on a hill? What must be our motive in living as Jesus’ disciples according to the eight blessings?
Matthew 5:1-16 Shp Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 1-9-11
Key verse 5:13a, 14a Adapted from Mother Sarah Barry’s message delivered 1-2-11
“You are the salt of the earth…..You are the light of the world.”
We are beginning a new year and a new decade, 2011. In this year we want to grow our relationship with God through deep Bible study and prayer. We want to know Jesus better. We want to have loving relationships that encourage and build others up. We want to participate in what God is doing to make his people a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. We want to be salt and light, in the place that we live, so that God may be glorified. For these things we need Jesus’ help and presence in us. Through a study of this passage may be we learn what true blessedness is and seek it. May we stand as salty servants of God. May we also be small lights in this world, pointing to the Great Light, Jesus Christ. May God bless you.
Part l: The Eight States Of Blessedness (1-12)
Jesus began his ministry in a dark corner of a small country. Matthew quoted Isaiah; “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Jesus is the Great Light. He came preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” (Mt 4:16-17) When people heard Jesus preaching, they began to repent. Jesus announced the Kingdom of Heaven and he brought it with him. He healed the sick and cast out demons and brought God’s love and life to the hopeless. People living in the darkness of sin and despair could see the Great Light.
To further spread his light, Jesus raised disciples. Look at verses 1-2. “Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him and he began to teach them.” These first disciples were fishermen and tax collectors and working men. Maybe there were a few students also. There were women, too, who learned from him. He did not teach them techniques of how to preach or how to lead a ministry. He shared with them himself, his own mind and heart. He wanted to change the world through them, one heart at a time. So he went up on a mountainside and his disciples came to him. He taught them the Sermon On The Mount, beginning with the Beatitudes. It is description of Jesus’ own character and his personal life principles.
Jesus himself is salt and light. He wants his disciples to be salt and light in the world. Salt is hidden and works quietly and in unseen ways to give flavor and preserve food. On the contrary…light should be seen by everyone. Light dispenses darkness. Jesus says to us too, “You are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world.”
Fifty years ago, in Korea, in 1961, when the UBF ministry began, the people, especially young students, were living in darkness. It was the darkness of fatalism and poverty. It was the darkness that seeps into the heart when hope comes out. Koreans had endured 45 years of subjugation under Japan, a devastating internecine war, and the forced division of their country.
The hearts of our UBF founders went out to these young people, but they had no way to help them. Relief goods poured in from America to help those who were hungry and cold and sick. But material things could not heal broken hearts or cure fatalism or bring hope into the darkness. But God gave them his book, the Bible. Many students were drawn to Bible study because they wanted to learn English. But when they studied the Bible, God spoke to their hearts. The people living in the darkness saw a great light. The Creator God sent Immanuel Jesus to be with them. He is the Wonderful Counselor. He gave them the Bible to lead them into truth. When we opened our hearts to God and to his word, he led us out of darkness into his light. During those 50 years they have learned that the Bible is God’s word. It is indeed the lamp for all of our feet and a light for all our paths. These young Koreans went to the end of the earth to be the salt and light of the earth. That was the first 50 years. May God grant UBF his vision for the next 50 years of his work through our ministry at the upcoming missionary conference in Seoul in May.
Let’s continue on now with Jesus’ Sermon. He began to teach them saying, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” What does it mean to be “blessed”. To be “blessed” is more than just being happy, healthy with an abundance of material things. To be blessed means to be touched by God’s love and grace in such a way as to be deeply satisfied. It means to have real peace. The first and last blessing is, “For theirs is the Kingdom of God.” (3,10) This is the best blessing because to have the Kingdom of heaven is to have everything. Now let’s continue…
First, “poor in spirit.” We are “poor in spirit” when we know our helpless state. To be poor in spirit means to know that we are sinners who need God. To be poor in spirit means to have a learning mind because we know we lack knowledge. It means to be thankful, for we have nothing that has not been given to us by God. We are like little children whom Jesus invited to come to him. He said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Mt 19:14) The kingdom of heaven is ours because Jesus gives it to us. (Lk 12:32) Salty Christians are those who are poor in spirit. They know they need the Savior, Jesus, and humbly learn from him.
Second, blessed are those who mourn. Let’s read verse 4. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Jesus mourned. He wept over Jerusalem. (Lk 19:41-44) He wept at the tomb of Lazarus. (Jn 11:25) He weeps because of my sins. (Gen 6:3) But when sinners repent, Jesus is comforted. (Lk 15:3-31) And when I repent, I am comforted by Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Paul says in 2 Cor 7:10, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” Sometimes we grieve because we have lost something- a parent, a spouse, a job, a friend, or because we have failed in something. If we bring our grief to God, and receive his comfort, we can grow in depth of character. If we do not bring this grief to God, we only become bitter and angry. If we do not repent, or, if we hold onto our grief, we become salt that has lost its saltiness. Salty Christians mourn for godly reasons, repenting and searching for a resolution in the Lord. With such people, Jesus is comforted and he will in turn comfort such people.
Third, the meek shall inherit the earth. Look at verse 5. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” A synonym of meek is humble. Meek is not to be weak like a mouse. The Bible says that Moses was very humble, more humble than anyone on the face of the earth. (Num 12:3) When problems arose or his leadership was challenged, he did not fight with people. He prayed and waited on God. Meekness is waiting on God instead of defending ourselves. Isaac (Gen 26) is an example of meekness. He obeyed God and stayed in the land of the Philistines. He kept on giving up his wells and digging up new ones. He accepted God’s word, “Do not be afraid.” He continued living by faith, quietly, and he won the victory. He eventually inherited the land.
Jesus showed his meekness when he was arrested, tried and crucified. He was led like a lamb the slaughter. He promised his disciples, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” (5, Ps 37:11) Victory belongs, not to the abrasive fighter, but to the meek person who waits on God. When we are found in Christ, then we can be meek. Salty Christians have the inner strength to wait in humble patience and trust God.
Fourth, hunger and thirst for righteousness. Look at verse 6; “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Righteousness is a right relationship with God. Paul longed for this. He said, “I want to know Christ.” (Php 3:8-9) To hunger and thirst for righteousness is to long to be cleansed from sin and set free from its power. It is to long to know Jesus. God does not take sin lightly. Jesus was an atoning sacrifice for my sins and yours and for the sins of the world. God made him sin who knew no sin so that we may be the righteousness of God. Jesus is God, but he longed to be with his Father in the heavenly kingdom. When he bore in his body the sins of the world, he felt the pain of his separation from God. He cried out from the cross, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46)
To hunger and thirst for righteousness also means to long for a just world, to hate oppression and injustice. Jesus came to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of the truth listens to him. To hunger and thirst for righteousness is to long to know and live by the truth. Mother Barry (The co-founder of our ministry) grew up in the segregated South. When she studied the Bible she realized the injustice of that society. To her, it was very clear that Jesus is our righteousness. When we study the Bible we learn that God created and loves all people. We can stand on the side of truth when Immanuel Jesus dwells with us. Salty Christians are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Their souls will indeed be filled by God.
Fifth, Blessed are the merciful. Let’s read verse 7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” To show mercy means to forgive. We can forgive because we are forgiven. (Lk 6:27-36) Jesus said, “Be merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful. He sends rain and sunshine on both the just and the unjust.” God, who forgives our sins, is merciful. We are simply forgiven sinners. We can not withhold mercy and forgiveness from others. Jesus forgave and he taught his disciples to forgive. He prayed from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Lk 23:34) Jesus’ mercy is like a boundless ocean. His love is higher than the skies and wider than whole world. Our world desperately needs the salt and light of Jesus’ justice and mercy and forgiveness.
Jesus’ actions underscore his teachings. Once some men dragged a woman caught in the act of adultery into the temple courts and asked Jesus to pass judgment on her. Jesus did not condemn her. Rather he forgave her and sent her away with a new life direction, He told her, “Go and leave your life of sin.” (Jn 8:11) Jesus’ mercy is not cheap. He could show mercy because he would take her place on the cross and die for her sins. Jesus is the foundation of mercy. Salty Christians are those who have been forgiven by Jesus and who forgive others, showing mercy.
Sixth, Blessed are the pure in heart. Let’s read verse 8; “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” This Beatitude promises that the pure in heart can see God. What are the things that make the heart impure? Holding onto grudges, entertaining lustful thoughts, holding onto hatred, refusing to face our sins and honestly repent-these things make our hearts impure. Jesus says in Mark 7:20-23, “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean’. For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from the inside and make a man ‘unclean.’” When we try to make our own hearts pure, we soon find it impossible. How can sinful people be pure in heart? We cannot purify our hearts by self discipline. No matter how hard I try I fail. We can be made pure only by the blood of Jesus. Then we must hide God’s word in our hearts. (Jn 15:3) The Holy Spirit can then come to dwell in hearts that have been purified by the blood of Jesus. Salty Christians are those who have pure hearts made pure by the blood of Jesus.
Seventh, blessed are the peacemakers. Let’s read verse 9. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.” Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He came and died and rose so that we might have peace with God. When we have peace with God, we can have peace with one another. Romans 5:1 reads, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” When we are slaves to sin and enemies of God we had no peace. Jesus died to reconcile us to God and to make us instruments of reconciliation-peacemakers. (2 Cor 5:18-19) The gospel is God’s instrument of peace. It is still true! Through the gospel of Jesus you and I can have peace in our hearts. Peace can not be won through war. It can not be made through education. It can come only when Jesus comes into one’s heart. Peaceful hearts, ruled by Jesus, add up to a peaceful world. World peace starts with heart peace, one heart at a time. Peace will come in the Middle East when Muslims and Jews meet at the foot of Jesus’ cross and when Christians stand as salt and light of the world. A salty Christian is one who has found peace with God through the Gospel of Jesus and helps others to have that same peace.
Eighth, blessed are those who are those who are persecuted because of righteousness. Let’s read verse 10. “”Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus was not persecuted for mistakes or foolishness. He was persecuted for righteousness’ sake. He knew no sin, yet he died so that we may be forgiven. He was wounded for our transgressions and pierced for our iniquities. The kingdom is his and because we belong to him, the kingdom is ours too. To have the kingdom of God is to have everything. There are a lot of things in this world that make us anxious. But we do not have to be anxious about the future. Jesus is our shepherd who leads us through the valley of the shadow of death. Where Jesus is…there is the kingdom of heaven. Salty Christians are those who do not become fearful, fatalistic or give up in the face of persecution, but rejoice and follow Jesus, all the more, because they have the kingdom of heaven.
Part ll: Christian Saltiness (13)
Jesus has some very clear words concerning the spiritual condition of Christian living in this world. Look at verse 13. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt looses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” Jesus’ disciples must be salty. Salt preserves and prevents decay. It makes tasteless food tasty. Salty Christians are those who do not compromise with the world or accept its standards. They may be laughed at, and/or persecuted, and ignored, but their influence is felt. Those who loose their saltiness, by compromising with the values and morals of society, are worse than useless. Why? They become a bad influence and confuse others as to what true Christianity actually is.
When Jesus dwells in our hearts we can be the salt of the earth. People changed by Jesus can in turn change the world. William Wilberforce was a member of the British Parliament who became a Christian in the 18th Century. He realized that slavery was wrong. He fought in the halls of government until the slave trade was abolished in England. God used him to make a more just society. Men and women, who for Jesus’ sake, care about the vulnerable people of society, and their influence upon them, and do something about it, are salt.
In every area of society there are Jesus’ people who have the salt of the gospel in their hearts and lives. They have welcomed Jesus into their hearts. There are salty executive assistants and meeting planners, who don’t let the material perks of corporate life capture their hearts, but are able to share the gospel in the nation’s board rooms. There are nursing home workers who realize that they are not just doing a job, but they are making a home and providing friendships to some of the loneliest people in our society. There are doctors and nurses and CNAs and other healthcare professionals, who, instead of focusing on making money, respect life and have compassion for the weak and vulnerable in society. There are teachers who not only find a way to tell the truth about the Creator God, but also show God’s love and compassion to broken and hurting students. There are business people who have Immanuel Jesus dwelling in their hearts and use their influence to advance the Kingdom of God. Therefore they are people of honesty and integrity. There are factory workers, professors, people who clean the streets and pick up their garbage, who all who do their jobs, before God. There are young people who keep their relationships pure. There are students who study for the glory of God. These people are all salt of the earth. What they do may go unnoticed, but God is using them to change the world.
In addition to this, Jesus’ disciples share the word of God with anyone. We can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, invite strangers in, take care of the sick and visit and encourage people in prison. As we are led by the Spirit of Jesus we can see what he wants us to do and ask him for strength to do it – and be salt and light.
Part lll: Light Of The World. (14-16)
Christians are the light of the world. Jesus said so in verse 14a, “You are the light of the world.” 1 John 1:5 reads, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” God wants his people to shine the light of his truth and love into the world, pointing to the great light, Jesus Christ. Our Puritan forefathers wanted America to be an exemplary Christian nation, like a city on a hill giving God’s light to the whole world. May God fulfill, in this land, the prayer and original purpose of our forefathers.
As we study the Bible and come to Jesus day by day we can be salt and light. We learn that we can be salty Christians in many ways…. salty Christians are those who know they need the Savior, Jesus and learn from him. They mourn for godly reasons, searching for a resolution in the Lord, Jesus. Salty Christians have the inner strength to wait in humble patience and trust God. They are found in Christ, and can be meek like Jesus. Salty Christians are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Their souls will indeed be filled by God. Salty Christians are blessed because they have received Jesus’ mercy and are forgiven. So they can show mercy. Salty Christians are those who have pure hearts made pure by the blood of Jesus. A salty Christian is one who has found peace with God through the Gospel of Jesus and helps others to have that same peace. Salty Christians are those who do not become fearful, fatalistic or give up in the face of persecution, but rejoice and follow Jesus, all the more, because they have the kingdom of heaven. Salty Christians are those who do not compromise with the world or accept its standards. To be put very simply, we can be salt and light when Jesus is in us.
May God help us to let our light shine before me so that people may see our good deeds and give praise and glory to our Father in heaven. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit come and indwell each of us today so that through 2011 we may be salt and light and God’s people in the world and may we be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
1. Read verses 1-2. What had been the response of the people to Jesus’ ministry? Why had the crowds come? What did Jesus do when he saw the crowds? To whom does he address his teaching?
2. Read verses 3-10. How many times is “Blessed” repeated in these verses? What does it mean to be blessed? What examples of blessed people in the Bible can you find? (Gen 12:2-3; Nu 6:24-26; Ps 1:1-2)
3. What does it mean to be poor in spirit? (3) What is the blessing given to the poor in spirit? To whom else is this blessing given? (10) In what was does this blessing include all the others?
4. What is the blessing given to those who mourn? (4) In what way can mourning be a blessing? (2Co 7:10) What does it mean to be comforted? What does it mean to be meek? (5) What is the blessing given to the meek? Why?
5. What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness? What blessing is given these? What does it mean to be filled? (6) How does Jesus satisfy this hunger?
6. What does it mean to be merciful? How does this reflect God’s character? What blessing is promised to the merciful? (7) What blessing is promised to the pure in heart? (8) How can one be pure in heart? To what other blessings is this related?
7. What blessing is given to the peacemakers? (9) What does it mean to be a peacemaker? How was Jesus a peacemaker?
8. Read verses 10-12. What should disciples of Jesus expect? What must be our attitude in all circumstances? What is our hope? What examples do we have?
9. Read verses 13-16. How can disciples be salty salt? Why must we be? What is God’s great purpose in sending Jesus and what is Jesus’ purpose in raising disciples? How can we be the light of the world and how can our nation be a city on a hill? What must be our motive in living as Jesus’ disciples according to the eight blessings?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Go Out Among The People
2 Chronicles 19:4-5 Pastor’s Blog Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 1-5-11
“Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the LORD, the God of their ancestors. 5 He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah.”
Jehoshaphat made an unholy alliance and was almost killed in battle; when he returned, he was rebuked for making an alliance with those who hate the Lord. The amazing thing is that he accepted the rebuke, and set his heart on seeking the Lord. Practically speaking Jehoshaphat went out into the country side and sought to turn the people back to God. He was a king and yet he went out among the people. He could not do it alone, so he appointed God-fearing men and instructed them to judge between the people with justice and impartiality, with fear of God in their hearts.
Jesus is the best example of going out among his people. Jesus is God almighty. He lives in the kingdom of heaven. But he gave up all the glory of the kingdom of God and became man and dwelt among us. To do so he was born in abject poverty, as a tiny baby in manger. He was born in Roman occupied land, ruled by a tyrant, where Satan was waiting to take his life. It was so difficult, but he came. At the onset of his ministry, Jesus went out among the people. He came to a lonely and selfish tax collector and became his friend and invited him to follow him. He went to a dinner party full of sinners. He went to a wedding. He came to Zacchaeus and became his friend and visited his house. Jesus touched lepers. He purposely walked through Samaria to minister to one Samaritan woman. He hung out with some rough and tough fisherman. He spent time with his disciples every day for 3 ½ years. He preached to thousands and ministered to one. He gave it all up in order save us from our sins and bring us to everlasting life in the kingdom of God. His coming to be among his people is best described in John 1:14. “The word become flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory the glory of the one and only who came from the father full of grace and truth.”
Paul went out among the people. He made tents to support himself. He worked side by side with other tent makers, like Pricilla and Aquila. All the time he was sharing the gospel with them. Much of his ministry was more deliberate. He purposely went into the synagogues and reasoned with the Jews. He went to small house churches and taught the disciples. He set up a Bible school in the Lecture Hall of Tyrannus and taught every day for two years. Paul went out among the people.
There are forces at work that make us alone and isolated. Satan wants us to be isolated from each other, imprisoned in our own personal electronics. We don’t want to be bothered by anyone. Even Christians don’t want to get out among the people. They like to be around their own circle of friends, people whom they like and who are like them. Is this the example that Jesus has shown? He came to dwell among sinners. He gathered around him, sinners. They were not like the holy God, Jesus. Would you do that? Let’s ask ourselves in 2011, “How can I go out and be among the people?” and then God can use you to turn peoples’ hearts back to the Lord.
2 Chronicles 19:4-5 Pastor’s Blog Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF 1-5-11
“Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the LORD, the God of their ancestors. 5 He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah.”
Jehoshaphat made an unholy alliance and was almost killed in battle; when he returned, he was rebuked for making an alliance with those who hate the Lord. The amazing thing is that he accepted the rebuke, and set his heart on seeking the Lord. Practically speaking Jehoshaphat went out into the country side and sought to turn the people back to God. He was a king and yet he went out among the people. He could not do it alone, so he appointed God-fearing men and instructed them to judge between the people with justice and impartiality, with fear of God in their hearts.
Jesus is the best example of going out among his people. Jesus is God almighty. He lives in the kingdom of heaven. But he gave up all the glory of the kingdom of God and became man and dwelt among us. To do so he was born in abject poverty, as a tiny baby in manger. He was born in Roman occupied land, ruled by a tyrant, where Satan was waiting to take his life. It was so difficult, but he came. At the onset of his ministry, Jesus went out among the people. He came to a lonely and selfish tax collector and became his friend and invited him to follow him. He went to a dinner party full of sinners. He went to a wedding. He came to Zacchaeus and became his friend and visited his house. Jesus touched lepers. He purposely walked through Samaria to minister to one Samaritan woman. He hung out with some rough and tough fisherman. He spent time with his disciples every day for 3 ½ years. He preached to thousands and ministered to one. He gave it all up in order save us from our sins and bring us to everlasting life in the kingdom of God. His coming to be among his people is best described in John 1:14. “The word become flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory the glory of the one and only who came from the father full of grace and truth.”
Paul went out among the people. He made tents to support himself. He worked side by side with other tent makers, like Pricilla and Aquila. All the time he was sharing the gospel with them. Much of his ministry was more deliberate. He purposely went into the synagogues and reasoned with the Jews. He went to small house churches and taught the disciples. He set up a Bible school in the Lecture Hall of Tyrannus and taught every day for two years. Paul went out among the people.
There are forces at work that make us alone and isolated. Satan wants us to be isolated from each other, imprisoned in our own personal electronics. We don’t want to be bothered by anyone. Even Christians don’t want to get out among the people. They like to be around their own circle of friends, people whom they like and who are like them. Is this the example that Jesus has shown? He came to dwell among sinners. He gathered around him, sinners. They were not like the holy God, Jesus. Would you do that? Let’s ask ourselves in 2011, “How can I go out and be among the people?” and then God can use you to turn peoples’ hearts back to the Lord.
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